How does EPT work?
EPT is an Energy Psychology. Energy psychology includes three major interacting systems: pathways such as meridians and related acupoints, centers (chakras), and the biofield which include the aura and electromagnetic field. EPT embraces all three interactive energy systems for a holistic approach to healing.
- First we Find the issue by locating its origin, through kinesiology (muscle testing), and deductive reasoning.
- Next we Fix it, by balancing the brain, body and biofield, through the use of magnets. This is done while the origin of the issue is at a conscious level.
- And then we Release it by using release technique with forgiveness as its key component. This allows each person to let go of the issue which no longer serves them.
What happens next?
A change has occurred. The process of diffusing old limited belief systems and installing limitless positive affirming belief systems results in individual empowerment. It is a practice that needs to be experienced to truly understand the positive impact it will have on your life.
Holistic Connections, Inc.
All Things Are Possible Through Holistic Connections
“Healthy Thinking may eventually become an integral aspect of treatment for everything from allergies to liver transplants and prevention of disease.”
~Newsweek magazine (September 24, 1990)
Holistic Connections, Inc.
4412 Carver Woods Drive Suite 204
Blue Ash, OH 45242
(513) 257-6391